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Circular letter No.12

Added new circular letter No. 12 Topping-up terminals. The use of Terminals 1 and 2 «TOPPING-UP» of the CRYSTAL station controller and delays for turning on the dos


Circular Letter No.11

Added new circular No.11 External Stop Terminals. How to use Terminals 1 and 2 «STOP» (External stop) of the CRYSTAL station controller correctly? See the answer in the sect


Circular letter No. 10

Added new circular letter No. 10 Reagent dosing with several pumps. What to do if it is necessary to use not two diaphragm pumps in the CRYSTAL station,


Happy Victory Day!

Dear Friends! We congratulate you on the upcoming the Great Patriotic War Victory Day! We bow down before our grandfathers and grandmothers, who at the expense of their heal